Saturday, 22 February 2014

Day 8 - Last day of competition

Today was a bit grey and cold, especially compared to the other mornings. The competition started reasonably promptly with the pairs class running first.

One rider has to carry sword and the other lance, Adrian was paired with Michael and I was paired with Jacky. However we swapped horses, as the chest infection has knocked Jacky for six, so we tried her on my slower horse that doesn't fight at the start.

Jacky's boy is rather cute and closer to the ground, so I went for sword whilst she had lance. Our first run I wasn't quick enough to adapt so was late, whilst Jacky go her peg, and on the second run I got my peg whilst Jacky was to the side. Just a shame, as the morning was low scoring with bronze being won with 3 pegs (18pts)!

Team sword came next, first rounds were a bit patchy on some of the starts, but all team members contributed points

The competition broke for lunch and we then found it was raining, this wouldn't stop competition in the UK, but here everything normally stops for rain

The course was harrowed and deemed fit to run, so we continued with the last 3 rounds of team sword, again starting was get tricky but we were together.

The harrowing worked well, but the remaining ground was getting slippery.

After a break for the medal ceremony the rain kept coming, so the final indian file was cancelled and the competition ended at 5pm.

After this life got crazy as we told we had to pack and be ready for the awards evening by 6.30pm, cue panic and fast packing.

The Brits were requested to load their luggage on the bus, which we were confused with as our flight is at 9.15am in the morning, however we were assured we would have a hotel and a PRO to look after us.

The awards ceremony was hot and lengthy as included all the local competitions as well as the International Competition. This was followed by a quick dinner and straight on the bus.

The journey to Lahore got us to the airport just after 12.30am, and we soon discovered that there was no hotel, only a cafe where we were left. This was a disappointment as we didn't get much sleep, and combined with the flight meant a long travelling time and in award ceremony blazers for the boys!

To add further insult to injury PIA were extremely unhelpful, the team carried the team equipment for Tina and Jacky, and despite having 2 spare paid for tickets PIA insisted on charging a considerable sum for excess baggage and were initially funny about the lance tube which has traveled many times before on PIA.

All in all this was a rather bitter end to the trip, and it is disappointing PIA couldn't be more helpful

Finally I am now home safely and reunited with my horses!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Day 7 - 4th day of competion

Well not really my thing, so I think I was so surprised at getting the first one I forgot about the second and  peg... Michael held up the GB side with a full house, but then on the second run didn't get the blade square on the second orange so wasn't awarded the slice and drew the peg.

Jacky and Adrian both suffered with horse issues, so this was not a very high scoring event for GB :-(

Team Lance
Ironically GB seems to do well on the little 2" pegs, we did 2 runs on cardboard 6cm, then 1 run date palm 2", and second round 1 run 6cm cardboard and 2 runs 2" date palm
Me, huzzah and thanks to Norman!! 6,6,6,6,6,6
Adrian 6,0,6,6,6,6
Michael 6,2,0,6,6,6
Jacky 0,2,0,6,0,0

Little bit sad we were 2 pegs short of pipping Australia, however we have sent Jacky to bed with a lemsip and antibiotics so we are hoping tomorrow will be GB's day.

We went to the Chenab Club tonight, which was a dinner hosted by the Small Trade Association of Faisalabad, the dinner was good. Jacky opted to stay behind to try and recover a bit more, which is wise as most of these nights end up being late!

Also the rest of the teams are currently partying on the roof tops and the GB lads haven't erm well quite made it that far and are currently asleep fully dressed - I did wonder whether to wake them, but opted for retreat....

Tina Update

Tina had a fractured upper femur and was transferred to Islamabad and had a successful operation to stabilize the fracture.

Tomorrow we will know how soon she will be able to return to the UK. The first physio session has taken place and apparently Tina thinks no pain, no gain!

Our friends in Pakistan have been an immense help especially Awais Waisti and Brig. Sardar Effendi. Michael spent 9 hours on the road yesterday for a flying visit courtesy of the Brigadier, but still managed a full house in lemons. 

Tina is in good spirits and continues to manage the team from her hospital bed!!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Day 6 Rest Day

Today we had an early start to head to the Mona Remount Depo, which is around 2.5 hrs from Faisalabad.
Today I am not feeling quite so chipper, as Jacky has shared her cold with me so I have a very croaky voice!

The bus journey was long, but our police escort seem to thoroughly enjoy putting on the lights and sirens to accompany us. Good news is that we seem to fly through the tolls.

Mona is stunning, its one of the most manicured places I have seen in Pakistan with everything spotlessly tidy.

We had high tea on arrival which consisted of samosas, peppery egg sandwiches, some other savory nibbles and deep fried strands of some thing, which was a bit like a strand of doughnut deep fried in sugar.

Then two carriages of 4 in hand arrived, and two carriages of 2 in hand. All pulled by either Suffolk punches or Percheron's. We all climbed aboard and were treated to a carriage tour of part of the Mona facility.

This included a heavy horse breeding section, donkey breeding sections.

The tour halted at the Mona polo ground and there was a show put on for us which included vaulting, laying down horses, dancing horses and a tent pegging display.

Adrian in the British Quarters
We then moved onto the Arab and thoroughbred breeding section, all are kept in spotless paddocks with round field shelters.
My favorite part was the Arab babies where they had put out raw cane sugar for us to hand feed them. The babies squabbled and bustled for prime position and being pure Arab were all gentle but skittish and licked all sugar off everyone's hands.
We also saw the breeding mares with foals
Finally we saw the British built buildings at Mona which we beautifully maintained with highly polished brass.
We sat down for lunch which was also good food and included freshly churned butter and bread.

We then headed back on the bus for the trip back to Faisalabad

Day 5 Pakistan - Second Day of Competition

So you get a 2 for 1 today, as I failed to blog yesterday due to getting back at past midnight!

Brits waiting to run rings
So yesterday started with the rings competition, which ran relatively smoothly. The Brits performance was reasonable, I got 0,6,6 twice as the first ring eluded me both times which is most frustrating, Michael did better with 0,6,6 and then corrected to 6,6,6 (there was an optical illusion on the gallows!)
Adrian didn't do quite so well but added points on both runs, but struggled with his younger horse, and Jacky has a huge problem as her pony is around 13.2-14hh and therefore underarm was impossible, but Jacky has never been trained in overarm so gave it a go, and also scored on both runs, getting one ring for the first time overarm!

So not enough for medals, but we are chipping away at the points and believe we should be ahead of Germany and USA.

Next came Sword and we did 3 runs before lunch, where everyone in the team was contributing more points, but again no full houses to put us into individual medals

Lunch was brief and back at the guest house before heading out again

Ridden horse dancing
We watched a bit of the local competition and horse dancing before kicking off with the second round of Individual sword.

However there was a bit of a problem, as the Yemen team horse did not arrive, and this was the one which scored 6,6,6 in the morning, so obviously there were extremely upset at it not turning up. However they showed this by throwing down their swords in front of the judges and untacking and letting loose 3 stallions. Now I am all for proper objections, but animal welfare is our priority so I strongly disapprove of this behavior.

The competition carried on until dusk, and the Brits did a storming run with everyone picking up, so we added lots more points to the total (see video on facebook!). I scored 6,0,6 and 2,6,6 however I've probably lost 5 points in time penalties which is rather painful - unfortunately despite me trying my best to encourage him I don't think he can make the time (hence the trilling on the video!!)

In the evening Sheikh Mohammed Al-Fairuz, head of the International Tent Pegging Federation arrived, so hopefully all problems with Yemen have now been diplomatically solved and we will move forward with making this a successful competition.

The evening was a splendid event hosted by Raja Zarrar, with amazing food and the chance to look at his lovely horses and greyhounds.

I was slightly caught off guard when Norman pulled me aside and made me stand on bricks to practice my drill and prove his point about balance and the British drill tendency to promote reaching. All interesting stuff when you are in the middle of a party trying not to fall off bricks - I'll add it to the new UK tent pegging party program!!

Monday, 17 February 2014

Day 4 Pakistan - First day of competition

So today obviously didn't quite run to plan as you can tell from my earlier press release

The horses were late to the ground and there was a fair bit of running around, so the start time slipped from 10:00 to 11:45 start. The British horses from yesterday turned up, includi
ng my slow fellow.

However Tina was supposed to be getting a nice horse to replace the one she was riding yesterday (aka: the Croucher) , obviously things didn't quite go to plan.

The first round left us in reasonable standing, but I was having a slight meltdown as managed only a 2 on each run, so close but so far away... Plus worrying about Tina was probably not assisting team efforts, but Jacky was on fire with a full house set of runs.

The next round took place around 3pm, and GB decided to up our game for Tina (new battlecry!!) and we all picked up with good scores in the second round, I managed a 4,6,6 so was back to being a happy bunny.

Pegs here are mixed, so when 6cm are cardboard, but when 4cm are date palm, which is fibrous soft wood that makes good pegs

Unfortunately due to running out of light, we only got the individual lance done today, we were supposed to be running pairs too, but this has now been postponed.

I haven't really blogged about the guest house, but we are staying in one of the University Guest houses. The organisers tried hard to accommodate all teams in one place. So after one night together Jacky and I have split up! I headed off to Tina's room and the boys Adrian and Michael are in together. Adrian now not getting such good nights sleep as reported on day 1!

Christina Swinton with her silver medal
Jacky gallantly stepped into the breach and is sharing with Christina Swinton from Australia, who also won the silver medal in the individual lance today so is currently the leading lady rider at the event.

We have lots police guarding us, which as previously mentioned is problematic as they do seem to like to gather outside Tina and I's room for a talk and smoke!

I am posting videos from the event on my facebook page as Pakistan doesn't allow the use of YouTube or Blogger to upload videos!
GB team with Ammar Nomani from USA
Tina next to USA team mate Barry Biffin
Full GB team and Prince Malik behind the dignitaries

Press release - Tina Smith

Tina Smith was requested by Prince Malik along with a rider from the South African team and the manager of the Australian team to make up a team for USA with Ammar Nomani with the condition that she was permitted to step back into the GB team if it became necessary as she is our manager and fifth rider.

Unfortunately the horse she was riding reared up at the start and went over backwards on top of her, and has resulted in a fractured neck of femur which will require further medical attention.

Tina says not to worry, team GB are doing well and all matters are in hand. 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Day 3 - Pakistan Draw and Practise

Written by Tina as Jenna in the shower due to having to do the score sheets:

Sleep was disturbed last night by both the guards having a chin wag outside the room in the early hours of the morning (2-3am) and the arrival of the final teams.  An enjoyable breakfast although a shortage of hot water for the tea and finding the milk in the tea pot caused some fun.

We then headed to the assembly hall where the organiser and host Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan greeted all the teams, each team was then introduced to the dignitaries of the University and Indigenous Horse Breeders Association.  After this the draw of the horses took place at the farm, with some 50 stallions present all standing together marked up with numbers.
Picture on the banner advertising!
Like a raffle each ticket was placed in a box and the riders came up one by one to draw horses. Team GB drew three horses from the rangers and one privately owned horse who we knew would be fast but then there is no such thing as a slow horse out here.

After lunch we then headed back to the track in the team coach on our way however the sunroof in the coach managed to take down a power line thankfully everyone is fine and we have good ventilation in the coach now.

So now it was practice time, some of the horses who seemed sweeties in the selection woke up once on the track and it took a little while for Adrian to get the measure at the start of his horse but riding in section with Michael on a very good horse performed well.  Jacky has a super tiny little bay that goes like a rocket. Jenna and I where not so lucky with Jenna's horse preferring two legs to four and mine who did a very good backwards as one of the Australian's said if I put the saddle on back to front I will be going super fast backwards.  Jenna changed her horse and the team did a super team run as practiced all staying together the psychology of working as a whole team has really paid off and the team is working as a whole. However we are not quite sure what horse Jenna will get tomorrow.

Another quiet night in tonight, and we are off to bed early ready for the start of competition!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Day 2 Pakistan

So despite being so tired, sleep was a bit disjointed due to other teams arriving and the 5am call to prayer with bangs (canon or bird scarer!). Except Adrian who apparently slept through the lot and had a really good nights sleep.

In super quick time that would put any English firm to shame a fantastic tent has been erected on the lawn of our guest house and this will be the focal point for breakfast and lunch

Team with Dr Farooq and his daughters
After lunch we went off to the track for another quick practice with sword. We all had the same horses except Adrian, who rode the grey Tina rode yesterday. Jacky's horse was apparently a bay not chestnut, so apparently we should pay more attention!!

After blanking on the first run, Norman gave me some more expert tuition, however my horse was apparently stronger and fresher today, so I had a little go at cross country and left the course jumping some banks and ditches.

Michael giving an interview
I would like to add my team hadn't noticed I'd gone missing, and the grooms were rolling on the floor laughing when I made it back to the lines.

I would hasten to add the cross country was not voluntary on my part, stupidly I should have ditched the sword, but after getting too far from the track, I decided it would be easier to hang onto it rather than try to get on and off an excited horse (or find it in long vegetation...)

Pakistani ponies can jump ditches with no problem, so would probably make excellent hunters

The Interviewer who remembered us from last year
On arriving back at the oranges I did one last run and splattered myself with the orange, which also lead to Tina chuckling at my orange eyebrows... mental note to wear the sunglasses!!

Everyone else fared better and had no horsey dramas and were all also plastered with Orange (Tina made the mistake of wearing a white top.... its not white now...)

Press is once again here in force, and we were all required for interviews and shots, including one live broadcast. So in theory we should be on Punjab TV,
Saama TV and MD Digital News which apparently broadcasts in Manchester!

Evening dinner was in the new tent, food was tasty, tent was on the chilly side, I could't tell who was who from Oman and Yemen as they all resembled Kenny from South Park . I am quite pleased I packed my thermals!

Evening Dinner in the New Tent

Friday, 14 February 2014

The British have landed

So travelling via PIA is always a bit of an experience, on the plus side they do great food, but on the negative side the in flight entertainment didn't work and a full flight means lots of disturbance.

The team all slept well bar myself, as I never sleep well on planes. The team missed the excitement of someone being caught smoking in the toilets and very agitated flight attendants, so I had a bit of a disturbed flight whilst everyone slept.

The landing was bit of a sideways skid in Lahore, but was then VIP'd through passport control and soon found our bags and were on the way to Faisalabad. I didn't see much of the countryside, as I cannot sleep on planes, but cars are no problem. 

We were meet on arrival at the University by Prince Malik and Dr Farooq and had a warm reunion with our friends. We are staying at the same guest house as last year, and we are in the same rooms. This is great as it means being in close proximity to the wifi router, so happy Jenna! 

Post arrival was chilling in the sunshine, which is bit of a novelty as we haven't seen it for so long in the UK!!
We are all looking very much a team with the matching gilets kindly provided by International Racehorse Transport (IRT) who are specialists in flying horses around the world.

Weather here is a bit chilly (all relative), hence the gilets,  but still a huge improvement on the weather back home.

After a leisurely lunch we headed to the ground, which is a bit further in than last year and the run is an excellent length and wide. Michael estimates the track is 300m+ in length.

We were able to ride some horses for a practice to try and get our eye in, which was a huge help as we haven't been able to train at speed due to ground conditions in the UK. 

I was on a little fiery chestnut, who was strong, but in a nice kind fulmer bit. He was very well behaved and we went straight into rings and peg and were able to take advantage of coaching by Norman Mostert from South Africa who was there to coach Pakistan. The coaching was really useful for me as Norman has an eagle eye for common faults! 

Everyone had good fast horses with the majority coming from the Army - Tina is in the lead on the numbers of horses ridden (2) so far, due to the first one having steering issues especially at the gallows. Michael was on a fast grey, Adrian on a lovely bay with lots of pompoms and bling tack, and Jacky on speedy chestnut.

On first lance run we were having issues as the pegs were brown on a brown track, so we were struggling to see the pegs. However the resourceful ground crew found crisp and sweet packets to put on the front of the date palm pegs to make them more visible in the absence of having any chalk to hand!!

As you can see our shirts were matching for practice with polo shirts kindly donated by McTimoney Chiropractic Association, which is Tina's professional governing body as she is a human and animal McTimoney Chiropractor (note to readers, this doesn't seem to include team massage.... hint hint Tina??)

The session was good and despite little sleep we are now all pumped with adrenaline!! 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Quick note from team manager

Tina Manager & Rider Tina Ricketts
Today Team GB Adrian, Jacky, Jenna, Michael and Tina leave for the international tent pegging competition in Pakistan. 
I would like to say how hard all the team has worked with trying to train in the lovely British weather we have been having lately.

At this point I would like to say a few thanks from the team to the following: Adrian for the support from his fellow horse transport company International Race Horse Transport (IRT) who have kindly sponsored gilets, my governing professional body The McTimoney Chiropractic Association who have sponsored our practice day polo shirts, to Jenna for all the research she has done into getting various things for the trip and of course to the British Tentpegging Association for our team shirts for the competition.

I would also like to thank our chairman for his kind and wise words of support for the team and without saying all our fellow tentpeggers.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Preparation for the next adventure

So the 2014 is off to a flying start again, with a GB have already sent one team to Sudan in January and the next event is Pakistan in February.

Preparation has been really hard, conditions in the UK are quite challenging, as we have had record rainfall in January and February isn't proving to be much better. This has meant training has been largely confined to arenas, which isn't great if you have a short arena, as going too slowly tends to make you "stab" at the peg and is not good for technique.

The GB team were lucky to head to West Sussex to train at the Pounsley School of Excellence centre, which allowed us to get some pace going!
To train for the event we swap horses, as in Pakistan we have no idea what we will draw from the pool of horses, so you need to be prepared to ride anything.

Teams confirmed for the Pakistan International 
  1. Australia
  2. Great Britain 
  3. Germany / Netherlands
  4. Oman 
  5. India
  6. USA / Denmark
  7. Pakistan 
  8. South Africa (masters)
  9. Afghanistan 
  10. Yemen
This is also a qualifier for the Championship in Oman, so the best teams will have a chance to qualify to compete in Oman next month.

Flooding pictures:
This is where we normally park for the Royal Windsor Horse Show:

The RWHS parking area!