Sunday, 22 April 2012

Preparation for Aldershot

The first UK pegging event is next weekend, and most of my energy has been focused on gun training this week. I have been doing extensive equine ear plug testing, and the results will be on here shortly.

I also have a new lance to test this week, Harrison rods have sent me a beautiful piece of carbon and my father was able to make this into a lance in just over an hour. This is exciting as peggers don't have easy access to sectional lances, which makes fitting lances into normal vehicles or taking on aircraft can be challenging as they exceed the 1.9m set by most airlines

Lances are something you cannot easily just purchase, so most peggers are adept at DIY projects, (or know someone who can take care of this for them!). The material choices are bamboo (ideally solid), aluminium or carbon fibre. 

I am mulling over my saddle choices for Aldershot (which is in Melton Mowbray this year), at the moment I still have the WOW stock saddle, but I also have Chally's normal WOW jumping saddle. I do think the stock helps you reach, but would require a saddle change for SLR as you cannot (comfortably!) jump in them.

At the moment the weather looks pretty unkind, so I am hoping that this show still goes ahead, my lorry doesn't sink and we don't get too wet. This time last year it was almost barbecue weather, what a contrast!

Talking of lorries, mine is once again being repaired, it has spent weeks fixing various problems. At the moment it leaks.. badly! This appears to be from PRB installing solar panels but drilling rather large unsealed holes in my roof, so these are being sealed from inside and out. Whilst I am at it I have splashed out on some insulation - possibly linked to the -1oC experience

The downside is that the lorry won't come back until Friday, which means I don't have long to clean and pack for the trip to Melton Mowbray, so I need to be super organised, I think this week will be constructing check-lists!

Monday, 2 April 2012

A chilly weekend

Two days back at work and then it was a mad rush to get the lorry ready for the first outing of the season.
My brain really hasn't engaged yet as after turning up in time for the afternoon session at tournament stud, I managed to forget electric fencing tape to pen my horse!! Fortunately I borrowed some from the lovely folks at TS.

Pegging wasn't too bad, but concentration wasn't quite on par!

I was really pleased (and possibly slightly concerned!) to see how well this year's batch of new starters were doing. We have recruited some horseback archers, who seem to have uncanny hand eye co-ordination. In addition is a star from my local VWH riding club, not only dedicated enough to travel everywhere, but also seems to be awesome with the sword!

The evening (drinking) sessions are always my favourite part of camping and pegging and after the gorgeous weather of the UK and India I was thinking we could sit around the fire. Despite leaving and army major and 14 year boy with petrol together, the fire was rather limp and miserable. The the temperature plummeted.

Never fear the lorry has diesel heating and I even checked it the night before.... So it started and died and refused to talk to me! Despite boiling the kettle a lot this was not going to combat the temperature, I had a sleeping bag rather than my full gear and it was FREEZING.

No literally! See the pic, from India to this argh! And my tummy is not quite right, so a 1am freezing visit was taking the biscuit

I was a zombie the following day, and had to break ice on Chally's bucket!

Pegging did not go well, although to be fair I couldn't feel my toes until the third discipline.
SLR was a disaster, apparently not firing your gun since September and not riding your horse for 10 days was not a recipe for success and after the first shot (got the balloon!) the steering went....

So I cribbed a tip from one of my peers who just completed a near perfect round and have bought some massive sheepskin ear plugs from eBay (for Chally not me!!)

I have 4 weeks to get my act together for the qualifier for Windsor, called "Aldershot", but held this year in Melton on the 29th April