It's definitely hotter today, the horses were starting to sweat and the humans melt, even the Pakistan team thought it was hot.
We started at 9.30am and the british team were first to run. We are doing a half section staggered start, but the dressing was not quite as smart as some other teams. On the first run Gerald and I picked up, but the other two blanked, on the second run David, Gerald and I picked up, but jerry missed although was very close. On the third run on the 4cm pegs I picked up and everyone else scored 4 for draws, but didn't carry. I am using my repaired Indian nail head, whereas the others are on full size 1868 heads, which are more likely to cut rather than carry a cardboard peg.
So obviously I'm chuffed that my eye is back in, and to top it all we are actually joint 3rd, so a good result in round B could result in a medal for the team!!!
As a side note I put my stirrups up one on the Wow in the last session for lemons, and I think this has helped with the straight pegging.
The gear is still looking good, although as its the third day the polypads are starting to get a bit stiff!! The reins on the bridles are ideal for pegging, nice and thin but with plenty of grip in this hot weather! We have had comments on hor smart we are!!
I haven't really mentioned it on here, but after every session we actually get mobbed for photos and autograhs which is a bit mad! So I turned the tables on them and took a picture of the crowd that mobbed me this session!!
On the way back to the hotel, one of the south African team, Fraser, decided to risk life and limb and go on the back of a scooter, you'll note he did decide to wear his hat though!!