Thursday, 22 March 2012

Life in the stands

Life in the stands is good! Sheltered from the sun and a cool breeze with an excellent view

The crowd find all the teams very interesting! Especially when the Pakistani team put on their fantastic headgear!

Over lunch there was trotting horse racing, dancing horse competitons and military show jumping
You probably cannot see it, but one of the photos is a horse standing on the four legs of an upside down table and him underneath. Just shows how steady marwaris can be!

Now back to the loos (you can see a theme here!!) we were able to use the principals office, it had a proper loo, but no paper or hose just buckets. Dawn and I were prepared with tissues though!! This was indeed the best loo, we had a look at the public ones after the prinipals office was locked and decided against, if nothing else I cannot squat over the hole in the ground in jods....

Plan tomorrow is to drink less....!!!

I got chatting to Georges from the Lebanese team and found out that he was more terrified of the water and food than me. He showd me a part of his chocolate stash in his red rucksack. Apparently their hotel was really bad with no towels, blankets and soap (or paper!!). And sharing double beds, they have now been moved apparently!!

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